Happiness is Mandentory
So on the one hand, you want your customers to be happy, while simultaneously parting them from as much of their money as possible (if your business model is giving money away instead, I want to be your customer). Ideally you strike the right balance, and acquire enough customers so they stay happy, and you keep getting money.
Your website should be a portal to help that balancing act. Your website is always there, so it's a great place to answer questions about your product or service, as well as a means to get in touch with a human for the less common questions. It can automate all sorts of things from accepting payment, to mailing invoices, tracking interactions, promulgating information and nearly anything you can think of. However it can't actually move goods around (yet) or make much in the way of changes to the physical world. It's an intermediary.
What do you do?
I have a product to sell. « » I have a service to provide.